Producing Design Standards

Helping the Team Understand Their Role in the Design Process


Each year at our annual team retreats leadership would bring talks that marked intended shifts for the year ahead of us. As the lead of user experience and design I was tasked with introducing the team to the new process that was created after months and weeks of testing tools, analyzing client data, internal conversations, and testing various pieces of the current process.

The team needed to know the "why" and "how" behind the decisions.

Testing tools over the years has been standard practice and working with Adobe XD over multiple projects and seeing developer ready assets and deliverables made it a no brainer for most of our use cases.

Once I had given the talk I enjoyed working the process with designers and developers as it was adopted. There were bumps in the road but ultimately we were able to save time and increase margin on projects where the process was followed, even with slight variation.

  • Research and select a tool (Adobe XD in this case) that would meet our specific team needs
  • Analyze client visitor data to determine best screen size for foundational designs
  • Create and champion design process and everyone's role in it from requirements to launch and beyond
  • Present decisions to the team in a memorable way with something they could refer back to
  • Ensure the process was being followed by all designers, project managers, and developers after the presentation


Keep in mind that this was a real time talk with the following slide deck intended for the support of my talk as well as a reference tool after it. Click the images below to enlarge and click through or download and view the presentation in PDF format.